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Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) has been introduced through ICAO as a new pilot training requirement. The objective is to mitigate Loss of Control (LOC-I) accidents, which are the leading cause of commercial airline fatalities.
UPRT is intended to be integrated into both licensing levels as well as in airline operators. This ensures that all pilots are properly trained to deal with unexpected events including aerodynamic stall and upsets. Another important element is the integration of knowledge and skills to mitigate LOC-I threats through three levels:
- Awareness
- Recognition
- Recovery
The DGCA of Indonesia is currently developing UPRT Regulation and Guidance, expected to become fully effective within five years. Meanwhile, ATO’s and airlines are keen to understand these requirements, how to comply, and how to effectively achieve this training.
IDT, an organisation that is based in the Netherlands, founded the concept of UPRT and introduced it to ICAO. We have been involved in rule making around the world, as well as delivering training to many of the world’s airlines and training organisations.
UPRT Workshop Subjects
This three-hour workshop will cover several core subjects on UPRT as part of the Indonesia UPRT Road Map, including:
- What are the minimum requirements, and how can these be addressed?
- What is the time line and milestones of implementation?
- What academics should be covered, and how?
- What training devices including flight simulators are needed for effective UPRT integration?
- How should instructors be trained, qualified and standardised on UPRT?
- Which portions of UPRT training can commence soon through online programs?
- How can technical and non-technical competencies be integrated to deal with LOC-I threats?
The workshop is open to all ATO’s and airline operators in Indonesia. It will be run by IDT and facilitated by INACA, the DGCA, and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia.