On 16 May 2022, the Air India Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) program became airborne. IDT had been contracted by the national airline of India to deliver this training to 26 Subject Matter Expert instructors from Air India, Air India Express and Alliance Air. The program covers the the entire Air India fleet of Boeing 787, Boeing 777, Boeing 737, Airbus A320 and ATR72-600 airplanes.
One of the most significant reasons for selecting IDT was because of a standardised approach to the training. Pilots migrating from one fleet to another would have similar background and training, enabling them to apply common knowledge and, where applicable, the same callouts.
The project began during Covid in 2020, however was limited due to travel restrictions. Certain online sessions were conducted in order to prepare for the simulator training.
IDT’s UPRT for airlines consists of an eLearning academics program for all pilots. Instructors then receive a two-day ground school, followed by four Modules of simulator training. This training is delivered typically as individual Modules, integrated within the airline’s regular training programs. Spreading it out ensures there is enough time to absorb the material, and to not overload the pilot with too much information.
In May 2022, IDT’s instructors provided Air India the two-day round school, followed by the simulator training of Modules 1 and 2. Air India will now roll out these Modules to all pilots, after which the second phase (Modules 3 & 4) will be conducted by IDT-SCS.

Dr. Sunjoo Advani of IDT-SCS and Captain Vijai Pratap of Air India conduct Module 2 in the Boeing 777-300 FFS of Air India.