We guide you on the intricacies of UPRT regulation
UPRT Regulations Primarily State:
- UPRT academic instruction for all pilots and instructors
- Simulators used within their capabilities, with enhancements to IOS, flight model and buffet
- Specialised training for UPRT instructors on knowledge and skills
- Ensuring the instructor understands simulator capabilities and limitations
- Training programs that develop the skills and knowledge on prevention and recovery from upsets
IDT Trains Civil Aviation Authorities
- Provide deeper understanding of UPRT requirements
- Guidance on implementation of ICAO 10011
- Workshops on developing local regulation
- Simulator demonstrations on assessing UPRT
Helping you to Understand the Requirements
In-depth knowledge on regulations
IDT has been at the forefront of developing requirements and regulations for UPRT. This began in 2009 with the founding and chairing of ICATEE, the International Committee for Aviation Training in Extended Envelopes. This team defined today’s UPRT regulations.
IDT provides CAA’s with deeper knowledge on the origins of UPRT. Our CAA UPRT training covers some of these topics:
– What drove the development of the requirements?
– Which piloting skills do they aim to address?
– Why are the specific requirements stated as they are?
– Can UPRT be conducted in “unmodified” flight simulators, and to what extent?
– How do I qualify the simulator?
– How can I be assured of the quality of the proposed training program?
This service can be provided as part of a multiple-day training course.
Implementation Guidance
How to develop and apply your regulation
How should an authority shape its regulation to its specific needs? These requirements may vary from region to region, and it is worthwhile understanding how others have started to adopt and adjust their own regulations according to specific needs.
This service can be provided as part of a multiple-day training course.
What constitutes UPRT and how should it be implemented?
Engaging the various departments within a national authority, as well as involving air operators, in a collaborative, constructive setting can be beneficial to developing a thorough understanding of the objectives of UPRT. The forefront of these workshops is to develop an understanding of how to design UPRT as a proficiency-based program rather than simply “checking the boxes” for compliance.
This service can be provided as part of a multiple-day training course.
Simulator Demonstrations
As part of these courses, we can provide simulator demonstrations on how UPRT is carried out, where we show you:
- What should you look for as an authority?
- How can a program be used effectively?
- What are the potential traps leading to negative training transfer?
- How should you assess the use of a simulator?
- Guidance on evaluating modified simulators?
This service can be provided as part of a multiple-day training course.